Monday, January 15, 2007


12 January

Rest--Had to leave for BWI early in the morning to catch my flight to Phoenix... and pack, and do laundry, and clean up my apartment, and fill my car up with gas! Oops!

Expo--The expo was pretty good. Actually, the official Rock-n-Roll gear was pretty cool! It was waaaay better than anything Boston has. I bought a new pair of running shoes (Brooks Adrenaline), which I really needed. I love running, but I go through shoes like it's my job. It's fun just to experience the vibe from all the excited runners at an event like that!

Pre-race--2 nights before the race is the most important meal for trying to maximize nutrients for an endurance event (according to my Marathon Team coach at West Point). My sister and I went over to grandma's house (where they have a yellow lab!!) to eat pasta, salad, grainy bread and Gatorade slushies. This was actually the first time I have ever eaten pasta before a race. My sister was feeling pretty good about her nutrition, which really helped her confidence.

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