Friday, January 19, 2007


19 January

Run: 9.5 mi
Run--Today a 4 mile tempo run popped up on the schedule, with a goal pace of 7:15/mile. At first I was really intimidated of this pace, but then I realized that this is my 10 miler pace goal! If 7:15 pace feels hard for 4 miles, it sure as heck is going to feel hard for 6 more. I really surprised myself today.

Weather--It's been pretty cold. Yesterday was in the low 30's and today reached up in the low 40's with some wicked wind. At least it was sunny today, thank goodness.

Mp3 Player--This thing is about to die, and I am trying to figure out what would be a good replacement. I want something with a somewhat small memory because I don't want it to shuffle through a thousand songs. For a long run, I want it to cycle through once or twice. I'm weird like that. I also like having a tuner on there.

1.8 mi WU, 14:36
3.5-4.0, 3:34
4.0-4.5, 3:34
4.5-5.0, 3:30
5.0-5.5, 3:28
5.5-6.0, 3:28
6.0-6.5, 3:27
6.5-6.0, 3:35
6.0-5.5, 3:29
5.5-5.0, 4:33
5.0-4.5, 4:26
4.5-4.0, 4:13
4.0-3.5, 3:59
3.5-home (1.7 mi), 12:49
Total time 1:12:45, total pace 7:39
Tempo run time 27:59, tempo run pace 7:00 (or 6:59.75!!!)


Spokane Al said...

I really like my iPod Shuffle. It is so small and simple and it weighs absolutely nothing, and at less than $80 is very cheap. Of course if you are looking for a radio as well, it would not work for you.

Spokane Al said...

I really like my iPod Shuffle. It is so small and simple and it weighs absolutely nothing, and at less than $80 is very cheap. Of course if you are looking for a radio as well, it would not work for you.