31 January
Run: 8 mi
Run--HOLY FAZOLI!!!! 5 PR's IN ONE NIGHT!!!! The workout was 4 x 1 mi (and I threw in an 800 for good measure). Each mile I ran was totally a new PR, and so was the 800! (Old PR's were 6:47 and 3:06.) AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! How cool!!!! Then the team celebrated with pizza and beer afterward.
Totally Bummed--I have had a slew of doctor's appointments over the past few days for various things. One was an eye appointment because I thought my pinguecula was flaring up and driving me batty. Turns out it's the fact that my eyelid is allergic to its own proteins. Therefore I can't wear any contacts in that eye anymore. AND my left eye finally needs a prescription too (and also has pinguecula). I am totally bummed that I can't wear contacts. A LOT of what I do depends on the fact that I got away with not wearing glasses. I also had to bite the big ones and buy new glasses. I am looking forward to being able to see again though. I also had 3 shots and blood drawn today! BAH! I am really sad about my eyes though... But it can't overshadow 5 PR's!!!!!! YESSSSSSS!
1 mi WU, 9:11
1 mi/800m recovery, 6:26/5:09
1 mi/800m, 6:23/5:29
1 mi/800m, 6:20/6:31
1 mi/800m, 6:18/??
800m, 2:58
800m cool
Congratulations on your PR's! That's fantastic. I really do love reading your blog... Just knowing that it is possible for someone to be so motivated makes me more motivated!
Wow - five PRs in one night is amazing. Congratulations.
And also congratulations on joining the cool people who wear glasses. I am a long time member and extend a hearty welcome.
5 PRs! Nice!
I am sorry to hear about your eyes.
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