28 January
Run: 8.1 mi
Run--4 mi tempo run on the Capital Crescent Trail in Bethesda. I ran into my TEAM a little over halfway through my tempo run! Surprise! So I turned around at the next mile marker and hauled buns to try to catch up with them; it made the tempo run that much harder. I caught up to them with a 1/2 mile left. It was great to see them. They're training for Big Sur Marathon. Crazy! My legs are TIRED.
Bird's Eye View--Week 4 of this crazy training program is done, and so far I have totally surprised myself. I can run a lot faster than I thought I could. Pain tolerance is increasing (and mental toughness) is increasing too. But the long runs haven't gone as well as they could have, nutrition issues, I think. Recovery seems to be ok, even though my pool has been closed for 2 weeks. Motivation is still there though! That's important.
Log--This is my running training from summer through the Marine Corps Marathon (click to make it larger). It's crazy to see the consistency (or lack thereof) in my training. Of course, this doesn't document x-training, bike, swim, or strength. During those lower mileage weeks, swimming tended to be a lot higher since they were recovery weeks, not to mention the triathlons in the summer. I'd like to see 2 hard weeks then a recovery week next fall. It was a great experiment though.
Home to CCT (1.7 mi), 15:37
3.5-4.0, 3:32 (downhill)
4.0-4.5, 3:36
4.5-5.0, 3:34
5.0-5.5, 3:30
5.5-6.0, 3:30
6.0-5.5, 3:39 (uphill)
5.5-5.0, 3:41
5.0-4.5, 3:39
4.5-4.0, 3:55
4.0-3.5, 4:15
3.5-home (1.4 mi), 11:21
Total time 1:03:54, total pace 7:53
Tempo time 28:41, tempo pace 7:10
It looks like your running has been going well!
Yeah I have had to ease back the FIRST paces, at least for now. I figure if I am in the ball park and working towards those paces by the end of 16 weeks I should be well on my way to a PR. (I also hate the treadmill so mentally the speed has been a struggle) We'll see!
I haven't been doing the long runs at pace because I have been on the trails. Pretty much impossible for me to run under 9 minute pace on the Buckeye trail :)
excellent graph, Steph --- congrats! --- and see http://zhurnal.net/ww/zw?Running2006Analysis for a much less impressive graph (my 2006 running log) ... (^_^) ... ^z = Mark
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